Get The Wholesale Blueprint for $24

*limited time offer!

What's Included:

A Complete Training On How To Make 5-10K In The Next 30 Days With The Wholesale Real Estate Strategy Without Using Your Own Money & Without A Real Estate License

  • How To Find A Discounted Property For Sale

  • How To Work With A Buyer

  • How To Negotiate The Contract

  • How To Close The Deal

  • How You Get Your Check

Also Included:

  • Self Development Training

  • The 11 Forgotten Laws of Manifestation

  • How to Co-Create Your Reality With The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Regular Price: $547

Today Price: $24

The Wholesale Blueprint was born out of my 6 year class at the University of Memphis that made my students a lot of money! Just scroll my Instagram for proof.

You can see and hear a few testimonials below.

Please note: Due to the digital nature of these products, we do not offer refunds.

Limited Time Bonus:

I'm also including a very special bonus that you'll get for FREE only when you purchase today...

Introducing... my new book!

The Complete Wholesale Real Estate Framework

In my new impactful, informative, 86-page book, I will show you all the steps you need to follow in order to have a wholesale business that continuously grows your bank account.

If you aren't making money in real estate, now is the time!

It's time to pay yourself the big bucks, my friend!

Normally $40 Today it's FREE! (when you purchase The Wholesale Blueprint below)

Just fill out your info below to get everything listed on this page! ⇣

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My Million Dollar Sales Scripts & Templates (ONLY $17!):

Unlock access to every single script I use (every single day) in my business! I will show you EXACTLY what to say (word-for-word!) to sell more houses and hit your first $10K month in real estate. My Scripts do all the hard work for you - just use my words & watch your bank account grow! ($17)

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